Monday, 10 December 2018

Recipes With Bacon - Bacon Candy And Desserts

Recipes With Bacon - Bacon Candy And Desserts - Bacon isn't just the perfect food to accompany your eggs or wrap around a scallop to make it twice as delicious. No, bacon is far more useful and delicious than that. There's plenty of intrepid folks out there who think bacon and sweets go together great in everything from chocolate cookies to muffins. So if you're looking to try some bacon candy or want to have bacon for dessert, feel free to experiment.

Making candied bacon is probably one of the best known ways to get your crunchy sweet pork flavor and there's a ton of bacon candy recipes out there, but it's actually so simple you barely even need a recipe.

To make bacon candy, all you need to do is:

Heat your oven to 350 degrees
Coat your bacon (use the basic supermarket kind) in a half-cup of brown sugar.
Bake it in the oven for about 10 minutes, or until the bacon is cooked through and crispy.
Once the bacon is crispy, take it out of the oven and let it cool so it hardens nicely. You want to be able to experience that candied crunch.

Once you've tried bacon candy, then it's time to expand your bacon repertoire. You can try the excellent Mo's Bacon Bar from Vosges Chocolatiers. Whole Foods tends to stock Vosges chocolate as do other specialty food retailers, but you can also order it online if you can't find it locally. You'll be surprised how good bacon and chocolate taste together. In addition to the full size chocolate bars, Vosges also makes these sweet flying chocolate pigs filled with Applewood bacon. Yum!

And of course, bacon tastes great with virtually anything flavored with maple syrup. After all, it tastes great with pancakes, doesn't it? So you can crumble up some bacon to add to maple scones, muffins or cakes and it will taste delicious too.

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Related : Recipes With Bacon - Bacon Candy And Desserts


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