Monday, 12 November 2018

Dendeng Pedas ('hot' Fried Beef)

Dendeng Pedas ('hot' Fried Beef)

Dendeng Pedas ('hot' Fried Beef)

Yield: 6 Servings


  • 1 kg (2 lb) topside (beef)


  • 1 tb Olive oil
  • 1/2 ts Black pepper
  • 1 tb Dark soya sauce

== BUMBU ==

  • 10 Shallots
  • 4 Red chillis (or 2 tbs Sambal Ulek)
  • 2 tb Vegetable oil
  • 1 tb Lemon or fresh lime juice


* Cut the beef fairly thin and trim it into small, square pieces. Marinate it for 1 hour or longer. Remember that pedas=hot++spicy hot! This is fried beef, with a robust flavour of chilli. Slice the shallots finely. Seed and slice the chillis. Fry them in a tablespoonful of oil, in a wok, stirring all the time until they are golden brown. Add salt to taste. Keep hot. Put a tablespoonful of oil in a thick frying-pan, and fry the slices of meat a few at a time. Three minutes on each side will be ample*. When all the pieces are cooked, put them into the wok with the shallots and chilli. Heat, and mix well. Sprinkle over the mixture 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice, or, better still, fresh lime juice. Stir, and add more salt if necessary. Serve hot, with rice. 
* NOTE: In Indonesia, the meat is usually fried until crisp. You can even buysun-dried dendeng which only needs coating with bumbu and frying. Crisp dendeng can be rather tough, and I prefer it as describedabove; however, a purist might say that my recipe is not 'genuinely' Indonesian. Makes 6 servings. From "Indonesian Food and Cookery", 

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